American Red Cross Swim Lessons
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Parent & Tot (age: 6 months-2 years and 11 months): This course is to familiarize children with the water and prepare them to participate in the learn to swim courses. It is not designed to teach children to become good swimmers or to survive in the water. Children will have the opportunity to explore floating, blowing bubbles, and rolling from back to front in the water in a safe comfortable manner. Parent or other care giver must accompany each child into the water and participate in each class.
Preschool Level 1 (age: 3-5): Focuses on being safe around the water and having the children become comfortable and confident while being in the water.
Skills Taught: Basic water safety rules. Blowing bubbles and breath control. Submerging mouth, nose and eyes. Opening eyes underwater to retrieve an object. Floating on front and back. Swimming on front and back while using arm and leg motions. Jumping in and climbing out via the wall.
Safety Topics: To be safe in and around the water, wearing a lifejacket and how to recognize an emergency and call for help.
Preschool Level 2 (age: 3-5): Builds upon the basic skills acquired in Preschool Level 1. Works on building strength and endurance to achieve more independence while swimming. Students must be able to submerge fully comfortably.
Skills Taught: Back float and front float, gliding on front and back, rolling from front to back and back to front, and breath control. Introduction to treading water, elementary backstroke arms, and rotary breathing.
Safety Topics: To be safe in and around the water, wearing a lifejacket and how to recognize an emergency and call for help.
Preschool Level 3 (age: 3-5): Continues to build on the skill previously learned as well as an introduction to strokes and building endurance swimming independently. All skills at this level are mostly independent.
Skills Taught: Independent front and back float, swimming on back and front independently and changing direction while swimming. Treading water, elementary backstroke and introduction to front crawl.
Safety Topics: Danger of drains, “Look before you leap”, what to do when you get too tired.
Level 1-Introduction to Water Skills (age: 6-12): Focuses on being safe around the water and having the children become comfortable and confident while being in the water.
Skills Taught: Basic water safety rules. Exhaling underwater and bobbing. Submerging mouth, nose and eyes. Opening eyes underwater to retrieve an object. Floating on front and back. Swimming on front and back while using arm and leg motions. Jumping in and climbing out via the deck. Discuss and demonstrate how to use a lifejacket.
Safety Topics: To be safe in and around the water, how to recognize an emergency and call for help.
Level 2-Fundamental Aquatics Skills (age: 6-12): Works on building strength and endurance while swimming and introduces students to strokes. Students must be able to submerge fully comfortably.
Skills Taught: Strengthening the flutter kick on both back and front. Learning the elementary backstroke arms with the whip kick. Introduction to rotary breathing with front crawl arms. Treading water.
Safety Topics: To be safe in and around the water, recognizing lifeguards and practicing sun safety.
Level 3-Stroke Development (age: 6-12): Builds on the skills learned in level 2 while introducing new strokes.
Skills Taught: Elementary backstroke, front crawl, back crawl, introduction to the sidestroke with the scissor kick. Dolphin kick. Treading water.
Safety Topics: “Look before you leap”, perform a simple non-swimming assist and how to recognize, prevent, and respond in cold water emergencies.
Level 4-Stroke Improvement (age: 6-14): Develop confidence and endurance learned in level 3 while improving other aquatic skills.
Skills Taught: Swimming underwater, feet first surface dive, survival swimming, front crawl and backstroke open turns, and treading water using two different kicks. Front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and introduction to butterfly. Flutter and dolphin kicks on back.
Safety Topics: What to do when exhausted or caught in a dangerous situation. Recreational water illness-what they are and how to prevent them.
Level 5- Stroke Refinement (age: 6-14): Provides further coordination and refinement of strokes.
Skills Taught: Tuck and pike surface dives, submerge completely. Front flip turn and backstroke flip turn while swimming. Front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke and butterfly.
Safety Topics: Review above topics, how to call for help and the importance of knowing first aid and CPR.
Level 6-Fitness Swimming (age: 6-14): Refines the strokes so that students swim with ease, efficiency, and power.
Skills Taught: Endurance swimming in the following strokes: front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, and sidestroke. Refine open turns and flip turns for all strokes.
Adult Swim-Learning the Basics (age 18+): Help participants gain basic aquatic skills and swimming skills. Learn skills and concepts needed to stay safe around the water. There are no skill prerequisites.
Goals: Increase comfort level in the water, experience breath control and buoyancy and finally working on moving through the water.
Adult Swim-Improving Skills and Swimming Strokes (age 18+): Improving proficiency in basic aquatic skills and the six basic swimming strokes. Learn skills and concepts needed to stay safe around the water. Prerequisites: Must be comfortable in chest-deep water, able to put face in the water comfortably and perform stokes that can be recognized as the front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke.
Goals: Improve fundamental aquatic skills, effectiveness and efficiency of swimming strokes and also improve swimming endurance.
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Activity |
Ages |
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Days |
Date/Time |
Fees |
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Spring Level 5 & 6
8y - 15y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
07:15 AM - 08:00 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Level 4
6y - 13y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
08:00 AM - 08:30 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Parent & Tot (Sat)
2y 11m and under
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Level 3
6y - 13y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
09:00 AM - 09:30 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Level 2
6y - 13y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
09:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Level 1
6y - 13y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Pre-school Level 1(Sat)
3y - 5y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Pre-school Level 2 & 3
3y - 5y
03/29/2025 - 05/17/2025
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Pre-School Levels 1-3 (Tues)
3y - 5y
04/01/2025 - 05/13/2025
09:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Spring Parent & Tot (Thurs)
3y and under
04/03/2025 - 05/22/2025
09:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Plainfield Town Hall Pool
$75.00 Res, $85.00 Non-Res