Plainfield Recreation Department & Senior Center
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Donations to Plainfield Recreation & Senior Center

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Here at Plainfield Recreation and Senior Center we graciously accept and appreciate all donations made directly to the Center itself or to one of our programs. Below we have briefly described what each donation will go towards and the impact your donation will have.

If you have any questions or would like to further discuss how you can help Plainfield Recreation and Senior Center please email or call our office at 860-564-1819 and ask for Mark Simmons.

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund- Each summer we provide over $15,000 in scholarships to nearly 40 children. We will always provide financial aid for Summer Camp however this task will continue to be challenging as costs to operate Summer Camp continue to rise each year. Every dollar that is granted for financial aid is a direct hit to the revenue that is intended to cover the cost of camp operations. By making a donation to the Summer Camp Scholarship Fund you will help us grow our scholarship fund so we can provide more financial aid to campers.

Youth After School Programs - Our goal is to always provide affordable programming for youth so everyone has an opportunity play, learn, & grow. A donation towards our after school programs will help offset costs so we can ensure that every child gets the opportunity to participate. 

Toys For Kids - Every December for more than 20 years the Recreation Department hosts our annual Toy Drive. In 2022 we donated more than 500 toys to more than 175 children. Donating to this cause will help to ensure that we are able to provide this program for years to come.

Plainfield Town Pool - Our pool has been a treasured asset to this community for more than 100 years! Each year we provide thousands of hours of swim lessons, water aerobics, & and open swim time. Unfortunately, like everything else operational costs continue to rise. Making a donation to the pool will help us offset rising costs and allow us to better manage unexpected repairs.   

Plainfield Senior Center - The Plainfield Senior Center is a vital hub to more than 500 users. At our Center we host programs that keep our seniors healthy, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Additionally, we provide services such as Meals on Wheels, door to door transportation, and assists with various social services. Making a donation to the Plainfield Senior Center will not only help the current users but will help us reach new users so we can ensure that every Plainfield senior has access to our services.

Plainfield Parks - Our parks play an important role in the livelihood and well being of every Plainfield resident. The Town of Plainfield recognizes the importance and is actively working to maintain and improve our parks. Our parks are used by thousands of residents and visiting non-residents each year. On going projects and planning include; new playgrounds, basketball courts, restrooms, splash pad, and improved concert area, just to name a few. Making a donation to our parks will make an impact that every resident will benefit from.

General Donations to the Center (special events, programs, supplies, etc.) - Our Recreation and Senior Center is the center of activity for the Town of Plainfield and we love it when the Center is buzzing with people. We pride ourselves in offering something for everyone for free or for an affordable fee. Making a donation to the Center will help us ensure we that we continue our goal of offering something for everyone.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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