Plainfield Recreation Department & Senior Center
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Plainfield Cribbage
When & Where
  • Our intro season will start Monday May 5, 2025 and end Monday June 30, 2025. The league will play every Monday (excluding May 26) at the Plainfield Recreation, 482 Norwich Road Center, Plainfield, starting at 6:00pm.
  • A maximum of 32 players will be allowed to participate in the league. A player must be at least 12 years old and have a basic understanding of the game and the rules. All children who are playing under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Children who are not playing are not allowed.
Registration and Fees
  • League fees are $20 per person. All fees are to be paid cash only. The fee of $20 is to be paid upon registration and must be paid in full whether you play all weeks, or if a week is missed.
  • All equipment (crib boards, cards) will be supplied by the league. All league games must be played on equipment supplied by the league, unless otherwise authorized by a league committee member.
Format and Scoring
  • A total of 6 games will be played each week. The number of people who show to play each week will dictate the specific format for that evening’s play. Players may end up playing doubles, singles, or cutthroat in any of the 6 games. Tables/games will be divided as follows:
8 people – 2 doubles game (4,4)
9 – 1 doubles, 1 3-way cutthroat, 1 singles (4,3,2)
10 – 4,4,2
11 – 4,3,2,2
12 – 4,4,2,2
13 – 4,4,3,2
14 – 4,4,4,2
15 – 4,4,3,2,2
16 – 4,4,4,2,2
17 – 4,4,4,3,2
18 – 4,4,3,3,2,2
19 – 4,4,4,3,2,2
20 – 4,4,4,4,2,2
  Each week players will be given a scoresheet to fill out after each game they
play.  Players will earn 1 point for each doubles and singles win, and 1.5
points for each cutthroat win.  Players will also record how many points
they won or lost by.  For cutthroat games, the winner will record the points
won from the largest loser.  After the last game, players will tally their total
points and hand their scoresheet into the committee chairman.  See
example below of a completed scoresheet.
o After each game is played, the losers will rotate clockwise to the next table
for the next game (exception: if you are playing a singles match, both
players will rotate to the next table).
o When starting a new game of doubles, you must team up with a player that
you have NOT played with previously for that night if possible.
Rules of Play
Cribbage rules can be reviewed at the following link:
A few further clarifications in the rules below will apply:
  • Dealing and Cutting
o For the first game, the deck is cut to determine which player will deal
first in the first game of the match.  In doubles, every player cuts the deck.  Thereafter the losers of the previous game cut for deal.
o If a dealer mistakenly exposes a card during dealing, all cards are
immediately collected, the deck reshuffled, then the hand re-dealt.
o If either player was dealt the wrong number of cards, there shall be a re-deal by the same dealer.
o Always cut ahead to determine the ‘common’ card (called the ‘starter’
card).  If the starter card is turned over before all cards have been
discarded to the crib, the card is turned over, the deck is shuffled, then
the cut is redone.
o If the dealer mistakenly exposes more than one card in turning the
starter card, the correct (top) card becomes the starter card. Also, all
players have the right to see the exposed card(s) before it is returned to
the pack.
  • Points and Counting
o Once cards have been released by the player to the crib, they cannot be
picked back up for reconsideration.
o  Cards should be laid on the table for counting.  Players should agree on
count of each hand before it is pegged.
NOTE: This is a friendly league!  Be helpful and point out counting
errors to your opponent, regardless if it helps or hinders your
game!  We do NOT support ‘Muggins’ (This is the rule that if
a player misses some points in their hand the opponent calls
it and takes the points for themselves.).
o Hands are to be counted and pegged consecutively commencing with the
player to the left of the dealer and finish with the dealer with the crib.
The Skunk Jar
If you or your team is skunked in any given game, they must contribute $1 to the
skunk jar!  The proceeds will go towards food for celebration and/or tournament night.  If a tournament is not scheduled, the proceeds will go towards food for the final game night of the season. 
Etiquette, Terms, and Conditions
  • Disputes - If there is a dispute that cannot be resolved by the participants
during a game, they will call over the acting program director to resolve the
  • Spectators will NOT interfere with any game, either to advise players, correct
called scores, or correct pegging. 
  • As a matter of courtesy players are requested NOT to leave the table during a
game unless necessary.
  • Alcohol consumption is NOT allowed at the Plainfield Recreation Center.
  • The recreation department and this league will not tolerate foul language, or disruptive or overly aggressive behavior.  If exhibited, you may be asked to leave the premises and/or may be subject for dismissal from the league.  The team would forfeit the current and/or future games that the person was going to play.  Dismissed players may not be replaced by the team but can use substitutes for the remainder of the season.  There will be no refunds.