Friday April 25, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Fun Fridays - Free Bingo 4/25 $5 Fun Friday is a night of fun and exciting activities with old friends and new friends. We offer S.T.E.M., S.T.E.A.M, games, activities, and special guests. These are drop off events for children in grades K-5th! Winter 20253/7- S.T.E.M engineering, let's build something greatSpring 202504/04- Rock out- Rock coloring, Discovery Trail exploration and more!04/11- Easter Egg Hunt with special guest04/25- Free Bingo05/16- National Love A Tree Day! - Bird house building and painting
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Teen Fun Fridays - 4/25 Bingo Teen Fun FridaysTeen Fun Fridays are for hanging out with friends, and classmates in a safe supervised location. We have a wide variety of activities for them to do such asFooseballPool DartsFoam Axe throwingBoard GamesPuzzlesMoviesNintendo Wiiand so much more.They can also just hangout in our lounge area and chat with friends while listening to music, enjoy a snack, or playing a card game. On occasion will have a fun theme for the night with special snacks and giveaways. For Grades 6th-12th every other Friday 5:30pm-7pmAll teens attending MUST be registered in advance online before 4pm the night of that Fun Friday.
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Teen Fun Fridays - Bundle 2/21-5/16 Teen Fun FridaysTeen Fun Fridays are for hanging out with friends, and classmates in a safe supervised location. We have a wide variety of activities for them to do such asFooseballPool DartsFoam Axe throwingBoard GamesPuzzlesMoviesNintendo Wiiand so much more.They can also just hangout in our lounge area and chat with friends while listening to music, enjoy a snack, or playing a card game. On occasion will have a fun theme for the night with special snacks and giveaways. For Grades 6th-12th every other Friday 5:30pm-7pmAll teens attending MUST be registered in advance online before 4pm the night of that Fun Friday.