Thursday November 21, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Veterans' Coffee House
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Linda's Craft Corner.....and More! - Learning Through Documentaries Origami Turkey, Wed. Nov. 20th: No cooking, basting, or carving, this cute little turkey is a real charmer! This will be a fairly easy model to make. Make just one or a whole rafter of them! Learning Through Documentaries, Thurs. Nov. 21st: If you came to my Raptor Program on November 2nd, you met some raptors in person; now let’s watch them on video in all their splendid glory! This month’s documentary, put out by Nature, is entitled “Meet the Raptors—Raptors: A Fistful of Daggers.” The description of this 1-hour program is as follows: “From giant eagles to miniature falconets, meet the many species of raptors. Explore how they survive winters, learn to hunt and undergo migrations. Their superpowers of flight, sight, hearing and smell give them dominance over the skies.” The program will be followed by a period of interactive conversation. Chalkboard Wheel of Fortune, Wed. Nov. 27th: This class will be a modification of the popular TV game show “Wheel of Fortune.” Come and join me for this entertaining guessing contest; we always have loads of fun in this class! Scrabble, Yahtzee, Mahjong, Wed. Dec. 4th: Players choice. Bring a friend and have some fun! Teams will be formed based on the number of participants present. Card Making, Open Forum, Thurs. Dec. 5th: This will be an open-forum class where I will bring out an assortment of stamps, different colored inks, paper punches, colored pencils and markers, and other goodies for you to work with. We always have a great time in the card making classes, as everyone shares their knowledge and ideas!
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ombudsman Discussion with Cynthia Scott - Ombudsman Discussion with Cynthia Scott Come and meet Cynthia Scott on Thursday, November 21st at 10:30am at the Senior Center. The Community Ombudsman Program is a State program that aims to respond to and investigate complaints about Home Care Services, educate individuals and families about their rights and home care service options, and provide information regarding long-term services and supports.Ask questions and be heard. Light refreshments will be provided.
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Chair Yoga - Chair Yoga 11/7-12/12 What is chair yoga? Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Please continue to join Mary in these weekly classes in hopes that the grant will pick up the classes again in the future.This program is no longer funded from the Town of Plainfield and the Title III grant program, funded by the Older Americans Act through Senior Resources - Eastern CT Area Agency on Aging. If you have any complaints in regards to service or treatment you are receiving please contact the Recreation Department Director (860) 564-1819 or Selectman’s Office (860) 230-3001 to resolve your complaint. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Senior Resources - Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging at (860) 887-3561.Instructed by Mary Sylvestri Our website is currently having complications with registration for this class. Please contact the Recreation Office or pay before you attend class. Sorry for the inconvenience No classes on the following datesDecember 19thDecember 26th
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November 11/18-11/21 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November Bundle 11/4-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Advanced-THURSDAY (Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
Monday November 25, 2024
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Let's Get Moving! - Let's get moving 11/25-12/30 Are you looking to improve balance, flexibility, muscular strength, range of motion & have some fun at the same time?This class will get you moving using a mix of yoga, fitness & dance all done on a chair or using the chair for support while standing. We ask for a $15 suggested donation however all participants regardless of contribution are welcome to join! This program is made possible by funding from the Town of Plainfield and the Title III grant program, funded by the Older Americans Act through Senior Resources - Eastern CT Area Agency on Aging. If you have any complaints in regards to service or treatment you are receiving please contact the Recreation Department Director (860) 564-1819 or Selectman’s Office (860) 230-3001 to resolve your complaint. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Senior Resources - Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging at (860) 887-3561.Instructed by Mary Sylvestri No class on the following datesNovember 11thDecember 23rdJanuary 20thFebruary 17th
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November 11/25-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November Bundle 11/4-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
Tuesday November 26, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Functional Exercise for Seniors - Functional Exercise for Seniors Functional fitness training is strength training that readies your body for daily activities, like bending, twisting, lifting, pushing, pulling, and squatting. But that's just the start. Functional fitness training is a type of strength training that prepares your body for daily activities.
Our instructor Dawn Ennis, has several years of experience teaching fitness and nutrition all across Eastern CT. Dawn is a certified personal trainer and nutritional coach through ISSA and is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November 11/25-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November Bundle 11/4-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Butts and Guts - Butts and Guts Session 2 A structured, circuit based class, which targets your abs, legs, and gluts. Butts and Guts is designed to achieve a mid to high aerobic level intensity. You will start this workout with a warm up circuit, and then move into multiple strength and cardio circuits. Using free weights, kettle bells, bands, stability balls, and your own body resistance. Finish off with a cool down and some stretches.
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Turkey Tuesday - Turkey Tuesday Thanksgiving is almost here so what better way to prepare than a fun Turkey Tuesday event. Children ages 6-12 years old can make a festive centerpiece, make turkey dessert treats, create a turkey craft, play a few themed games, and our tv will be playing A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.Registration begins October 1st for Residents and October 15th for Non Residents.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Intermediate-TUESDAY (Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
6:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Power Curls and Crunches - Power Curls and Crunches Session 2 Join our fitness instructor Dawn Welcome to Power Hour – where an hour is all it takes to unleash your full potential! Get ready for an exhilarating journey through a dynamic interval class that combines the best of cardio, bodyweight exercises, and strength training, all carefully curated to cater to every fitness level.
Wednesday November 27, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Linda's Craft Corner.....and More! - Chalkboard Wheel of Fortune Origami Turkey, Wed. Nov. 20th: No cooking, basting, or carving, this cute little turkey is a real charmer! This will be a fairly easy model to make. Make just one or a whole rafter of them! Learning Through Documentaries, Thurs. Nov. 21st: If you came to my Raptor Program on November 2nd, you met some raptors in person; now let’s watch them on video in all their splendid glory! This month’s documentary, put out by Nature, is entitled “Meet the Raptors—Raptors: A Fistful of Daggers.” The description of this 1-hour program is as follows: “From giant eagles to miniature falconets, meet the many species of raptors. Explore how they survive winters, learn to hunt and undergo migrations. Their superpowers of flight, sight, hearing and smell give them dominance over the skies.” The program will be followed by a period of interactive conversation. Chalkboard Wheel of Fortune, Wed. Nov. 27th: This class will be a modification of the popular TV game show “Wheel of Fortune.” Come and join me for this entertaining guessing contest; we always have loads of fun in this class! Scrabble, Yahtzee, Mahjong, Wed. Dec. 4th: Players choice. Bring a friend and have some fun! Teams will be formed based on the number of participants present. Card Making, Open Forum, Thurs. Dec. 5th: This will be an open-forum class where I will bring out an assortment of stamps, different colored inks, paper punches, colored pencils and markers, and other goodies for you to work with. We always have a great time in the card making classes, as everyone shares their knowledge and ideas!
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
monitor my health
12:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - 6th-8th grade Friendsgiving Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November 11/25-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - November Bundle 11/4-11/27 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Line Dancing - New Beginner-WEDNESDAY(Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Beginner-WEDNESDAY(Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
Monday December 2, 2024
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Let's Get Moving! - Let's get moving 11/25-12/30 Are you looking to improve balance, flexibility, muscular strength, range of motion & have some fun at the same time?This class will get you moving using a mix of yoga, fitness & dance all done on a chair or using the chair for support while standing. We ask for a $15 suggested donation however all participants regardless of contribution are welcome to join! This program is made possible by funding from the Town of Plainfield and the Title III grant program, funded by the Older Americans Act through Senior Resources - Eastern CT Area Agency on Aging. If you have any complaints in regards to service or treatment you are receiving please contact the Recreation Department Director (860) 564-1819 or Selectman’s Office (860) 230-3001 to resolve your complaint. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Senior Resources - Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging at (860) 887-3561.Instructed by Mary Sylvestri No class on the following datesNovember 11thDecember 23rdJanuary 20thFebruary 17th
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Ornament Tree - Daytime 12/2 at 1pm Ornament Tree
Create a fun little ornament tree to display for the holiday or to gift to a friend or family member. Enjoy carols while you work along with a hot beverage and small treat. There will be 2 sessions for this available a daytime and evening. Daytime session will be for adults only. Evening all children must be accompanied by an adult, this is not a drop off event. Please note we will be using a hot glue gun. Evening on November 22nd at 6pmDaytime Monday December 2nd at 1:00pm (adults only)
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/2-12/5 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/9-12/12 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Merry Mondays - 12/2 Rocking Around The Tree Children in grades K-6th join us for 3 exciting Mondays in December! Each Monday has a fun theme with activities, snack, games, music, and fun! Monday December 2nd- Rocking around the Tree3D Wooden Tree Making, Candy Tree making, Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and many more fun themed games!Monday December 9th - Snowy Adventure Build a Snowman craft and snowflake making, Make your own edible snowman, Enjoy an Indoor Snowball fight!Monday December 16th- Jingle Bells Make your own Holiday Bell, Musical Christmas Tree Game!
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Merry Mondays - Merry Mondays Bundle Children in grades K-6th join us for 3 exciting Mondays in December! Each Monday has a fun theme with activities, snack, games, music, and fun! Monday December 2nd- Rocking around the Tree3D Wooden Tree Making, Candy Tree making, Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and many more fun themed games!Monday December 9th - Snowy Adventure Build a Snowman craft and snowflake making, Make your own edible snowman, Enjoy an Indoor Snowball fight!Monday December 16th- Jingle Bells Make your own Holiday Bell, Musical Christmas Tree Game!
Tuesday December 3, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Functional Exercise for Seniors - Functional Exercise for Seniors Functional fitness training is strength training that readies your body for daily activities, like bending, twisting, lifting, pushing, pulling, and squatting. But that's just the start. Functional fitness training is a type of strength training that prepares your body for daily activities.
Our instructor Dawn Ennis, has several years of experience teaching fitness and nutrition all across Eastern CT. Dawn is a certified personal trainer and nutritional coach through ISSA and is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/2-12/5 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/9-12/12 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Butts and Guts - Butts and Guts Session 2 A structured, circuit based class, which targets your abs, legs, and gluts. Butts and Guts is designed to achieve a mid to high aerobic level intensity. You will start this workout with a warm up circuit, and then move into multiple strength and cardio circuits. Using free weights, kettle bells, bands, stability balls, and your own body resistance. Finish off with a cool down and some stretches.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Intermediate-TUESDAY (Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
6:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Power Curls and Crunches - Power Curls and Crunches Session 2 Join our fitness instructor Dawn Welcome to Power Hour – where an hour is all it takes to unleash your full potential! Get ready for an exhilarating journey through a dynamic interval class that combines the best of cardio, bodyweight exercises, and strength training, all carefully curated to cater to every fitness level.
Wednesday December 4, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Linda's Craft Corner.....and More! - Scrabble, Yahtzee, Mahjong Origami Turkey, Wed. Nov. 20th: No cooking, basting, or carving, this cute little turkey is a real charmer! This will be a fairly easy model to make. Make just one or a whole rafter of them! Learning Through Documentaries, Thurs. Nov. 21st: If you came to my Raptor Program on November 2nd, you met some raptors in person; now let’s watch them on video in all their splendid glory! This month’s documentary, put out by Nature, is entitled “Meet the Raptors—Raptors: A Fistful of Daggers.” The description of this 1-hour program is as follows: “From giant eagles to miniature falconets, meet the many species of raptors. Explore how they survive winters, learn to hunt and undergo migrations. Their superpowers of flight, sight, hearing and smell give them dominance over the skies.” The program will be followed by a period of interactive conversation. Chalkboard Wheel of Fortune, Wed. Nov. 27th: This class will be a modification of the popular TV game show “Wheel of Fortune.” Come and join me for this entertaining guessing contest; we always have loads of fun in this class! Scrabble, Yahtzee, Mahjong, Wed. Dec. 4th: Players choice. Bring a friend and have some fun! Teams will be formed based on the number of participants present. Card Making, Open Forum, Thurs. Dec. 5th: This will be an open-forum class where I will bring out an assortment of stamps, different colored inks, paper punches, colored pencils and markers, and other goodies for you to work with. We always have a great time in the card making classes, as everyone shares their knowledge and ideas!
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
monitor my health
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/2-12/5 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/9-12/12 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Line Dancing - New Beginner-WEDNESDAY(Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Flexiblity Fitness mini session - Flexibilty Fitness 4 week mini session What is Flexibility fitness? Fitness with bands for all levels of resistance, and all levels of fitness.
Resistance band workout is a strength training session that utilizes elastic bands to provide resistance during exercises, allowing for a full-body workout by targeting various muscle groups through movements like pulls, presses, and stretches, all while maintaining constant tension on the muscles throughout the range of motion.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Historical Society Meeting
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Beginner-WEDNESDAY(Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
Thursday December 5, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Veterans' Coffee House
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Linda's Craft Corner.....and More! - Card Making, Open Forum Origami Turkey, Wed. Nov. 20th: No cooking, basting, or carving, this cute little turkey is a real charmer! This will be a fairly easy model to make. Make just one or a whole rafter of them! Learning Through Documentaries, Thurs. Nov. 21st: If you came to my Raptor Program on November 2nd, you met some raptors in person; now let’s watch them on video in all their splendid glory! This month’s documentary, put out by Nature, is entitled “Meet the Raptors—Raptors: A Fistful of Daggers.” The description of this 1-hour program is as follows: “From giant eagles to miniature falconets, meet the many species of raptors. Explore how they survive winters, learn to hunt and undergo migrations. Their superpowers of flight, sight, hearing and smell give them dominance over the skies.” The program will be followed by a period of interactive conversation. Chalkboard Wheel of Fortune, Wed. Nov. 27th: This class will be a modification of the popular TV game show “Wheel of Fortune.” Come and join me for this entertaining guessing contest; we always have loads of fun in this class! Scrabble, Yahtzee, Mahjong, Wed. Dec. 4th: Players choice. Bring a friend and have some fun! Teams will be formed based on the number of participants present. Card Making, Open Forum, Thurs. Dec. 5th: This will be an open-forum class where I will bring out an assortment of stamps, different colored inks, paper punches, colored pencils and markers, and other goodies for you to work with. We always have a great time in the card making classes, as everyone shares their knowledge and ideas!
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Chair Yoga - Chair Yoga 11/7-12/12 What is chair yoga? Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Please continue to join Mary in these weekly classes in hopes that the grant will pick up the classes again in the future.This program is no longer funded from the Town of Plainfield and the Title III grant program, funded by the Older Americans Act through Senior Resources - Eastern CT Area Agency on Aging. If you have any complaints in regards to service or treatment you are receiving please contact the Recreation Department Director (860) 564-1819 or Selectman’s Office (860) 230-3001 to resolve your complaint. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Senior Resources - Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging at (860) 887-3561.Instructed by Mary Sylvestri Our website is currently having complications with registration for this class. Please contact the Recreation Office or pay before you attend class. Sorry for the inconvenience No classes on the following datesDecember 19thDecember 26th
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/2-12/5 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/9-12/12 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Advanced-THURSDAY (Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
Monday December 9, 2024
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Let's Get Moving! - Let's get moving 11/25-12/30 Are you looking to improve balance, flexibility, muscular strength, range of motion & have some fun at the same time?This class will get you moving using a mix of yoga, fitness & dance all done on a chair or using the chair for support while standing. We ask for a $15 suggested donation however all participants regardless of contribution are welcome to join! This program is made possible by funding from the Town of Plainfield and the Title III grant program, funded by the Older Americans Act through Senior Resources - Eastern CT Area Agency on Aging. If you have any complaints in regards to service or treatment you are receiving please contact the Recreation Department Director (860) 564-1819 or Selectman’s Office (860) 230-3001 to resolve your complaint. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Senior Resources - Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging at (860) 887-3561.Instructed by Mary Sylvestri No class on the following datesNovember 11thDecember 23rdJanuary 20thFebruary 17th
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Merry Mondays - 12/9 Snowy Adventure Children in grades K-6th join us for 3 exciting Mondays in December! Each Monday has a fun theme with activities, snack, games, music, and fun! Monday December 2nd- Rocking around the Tree3D Wooden Tree Making, Candy Tree making, Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and many more fun themed games!Monday December 9th - Snowy Adventure Build a Snowman craft and snowflake making, Make your own edible snowman, Enjoy an Indoor Snowball fight!Monday December 16th- Jingle Bells Make your own Holiday Bell, Musical Christmas Tree Game!
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Merry Mondays - Merry Mondays Bundle Children in grades K-6th join us for 3 exciting Mondays in December! Each Monday has a fun theme with activities, snack, games, music, and fun! Monday December 2nd- Rocking around the Tree3D Wooden Tree Making, Candy Tree making, Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and many more fun themed games!Monday December 9th - Snowy Adventure Build a Snowman craft and snowflake making, Make your own edible snowman, Enjoy an Indoor Snowball fight!Monday December 16th- Jingle Bells Make your own Holiday Bell, Musical Christmas Tree Game!
Tuesday December 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Functional Exercise for Seniors - Functional Exercise for Seniors Functional fitness training is strength training that readies your body for daily activities, like bending, twisting, lifting, pushing, pulling, and squatting. But that's just the start. Functional fitness training is a type of strength training that prepares your body for daily activities.
Our instructor Dawn Ennis, has several years of experience teaching fitness and nutrition all across Eastern CT. Dawn is a certified personal trainer and nutritional coach through ISSA and is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Butts and Guts - Butts and Guts Session 2 A structured, circuit based class, which targets your abs, legs, and gluts. Butts and Guts is designed to achieve a mid to high aerobic level intensity. You will start this workout with a warm up circuit, and then move into multiple strength and cardio circuits. Using free weights, kettle bells, bands, stability balls, and your own body resistance. Finish off with a cool down and some stretches.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Intermediate-TUESDAY (Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
6:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Power Curls and Crunches - Power Curls and Crunches Session 2 Join our fitness instructor Dawn Welcome to Power Hour – where an hour is all it takes to unleash your full potential! Get ready for an exhilarating journey through a dynamic interval class that combines the best of cardio, bodyweight exercises, and strength training, all carefully curated to cater to every fitness level.
Wednesday December 11, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
monitor my health
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Line Dancing - New Beginner-WEDNESDAY(Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Flexiblity Fitness mini session - Flexibilty Fitness 4 week mini session What is Flexibility fitness? Fitness with bands for all levels of resistance, and all levels of fitness.
Resistance band workout is a strength training session that utilizes elastic bands to provide resistance during exercises, allowing for a full-body workout by targeting various muscle groups through movements like pulls, presses, and stretches, all while maintaining constant tension on the muscles throughout the range of motion.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Beginner-WEDNESDAY(Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
Thursday December 12, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Veterans' Coffee House
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Chair Yoga - Chair Yoga 11/7-12/12 What is chair yoga? Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Please continue to join Mary in these weekly classes in hopes that the grant will pick up the classes again in the future.This program is no longer funded from the Town of Plainfield and the Title III grant program, funded by the Older Americans Act through Senior Resources - Eastern CT Area Agency on Aging. If you have any complaints in regards to service or treatment you are receiving please contact the Recreation Department Director (860) 564-1819 or Selectman’s Office (860) 230-3001 to resolve your complaint. If you feel your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Senior Resources - Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging at (860) 887-3561.Instructed by Mary Sylvestri Our website is currently having complications with registration for this class. Please contact the Recreation Office or pay before you attend class. Sorry for the inconvenience No classes on the following datesDecember 19thDecember 26th
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Line Dancing - Advanced-THURSDAY (Session 2) Beginners: Have you always wanted to learn how to line dance? Now’s your chance! No experience needed! In this class you’ll learn how to coaster step, jazz box, vine, shuffle, and weave, in addition to learning basic line dancing terms all while making new friends. This is the perfect way to get your steps!Session 1 must be completed in order to participate in Session 2. If you missed the 1st session you must wait till the next season to attend. Intermediate:Step things up a bit in this fun intermediate class. In this class the pace is a bit faster and the steps a little more on point. We’ll build off of what was taught in the beginner’s class to put everything together for some new dances. Previous line dancing experience strongly recommend. Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.Advanced: Calling all line dancing lovers!!! Looking to get back in the swing of things after a year and a half off? Our Advanced line dancing is back! This class is for those who have recent dance or line dancing experience. Choreography will be a bit faster with less time focused on instruction and more time DANCING! Session 2 is a continuation of the 1st session.
Friday December 13, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Eating Healthy for the Holidays - Eating Healthy for the Holidays The holidays are time for family, friends, and good food! Join us as we discuss ways to still enjoy all your favorite holiday traditional foods while keeping the taste and losing the calories. Together in small groups you will all make a dish and then sit and eat family style together enjoying each groups dish.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 1 platter gingerbread & sugar Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 1 platter gingerbread only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 1 platter sugar only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 2 platters gingerbread & sugar Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 2 platters gingerbread only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 2 platters sugar only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 3 platters gingerbread & sugar Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 3 platters gingerbread only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 3 platters sugar only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 4 platters gingerbread & sugar Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 4 platters gingerbread only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 4 platters sugar only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 5 platters gingerbread & sugar Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 5 platters gingerbread only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 5 platters sugar only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 6 platters gingerbread & sugar Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 6 platters gingerbread only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating - 6 platters sugar only Gingerbread and Sugar Cookie Decorating You and your family can order a platter of cookies to sit and decorate here as you enjoy hot cocoa and music by the virtual fireplace. All platters include icing and a fun assortment of candy and goodies to decorate your cookies with. To add to the fun we will have door prizes, activities, games, unlimited hot cocoa bar, snacks, treat bags, and a selfie station. What a great way to celebrate the holidays and have a magical night out with your family in your community! Take home platters are also an option for those that would like to create a fun experience at home with their family. Platters contain 8 cookies, bag of piping frosting, and variety of candy and goodies. All of the cookies and frosting are freshly made by our friends at The Victorian and Village Bakery!
This a family event all children MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older inside the building at all times.Registration open 10/28 for residents and 11/11 for non residents
Monday December 16, 2024
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/16-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Merry Mondays - 12/16 Jingle Bells Children in grades K-6th join us for 3 exciting Mondays in December! Each Monday has a fun theme with activities, snack, games, music, and fun! Monday December 2nd- Rocking around the Tree3D Wooden Tree Making, Candy Tree making, Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and many more fun themed games!Monday December 9th - Snowy Adventure Build a Snowman craft and snowflake making, Make your own edible snowman, Enjoy an Indoor Snowball fight!Monday December 16th- Jingle Bells Make your own Holiday Bell, Musical Christmas Tree Game!
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Merry Mondays - Merry Mondays Bundle Children in grades K-6th join us for 3 exciting Mondays in December! Each Monday has a fun theme with activities, snack, games, music, and fun! Monday December 2nd- Rocking around the Tree3D Wooden Tree Making, Candy Tree making, Holiday Scavenger Hunt, and many more fun themed games!Monday December 9th - Snowy Adventure Build a Snowman craft and snowflake making, Make your own edible snowman, Enjoy an Indoor Snowball fight!Monday December 16th- Jingle Bells Make your own Holiday Bell, Musical Christmas Tree Game!
Tuesday December 17, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/16-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
Wednesday December 18, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
monitor my health
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Women's Club
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/16-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
Thursday December 19, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Veterans' Coffee House
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Cathy Taylor's Toys for Kids - Toys for Kids Program Cathy Taylor Toys for Kids ProgramOur Toys for Kids Program is the same it has always been, we have renamed it in the honor of the late and great Cathy Taylor who spent years dedicated to the toy program in finding sponsors, donations, shopping, packaging, mailing out letters, and so much more. The toy program was one of her greatest joys and honor to coordinate each year for the children of Plainfield. This program is open to children in the four villages of Plainfield, Moosup, Wauregan, and Central Village. We will be serving infants-12 years old only. We no longer will be mailing out or accepting paper forms. All registration will be done by our online system.Please read the following carefully1. Families must make a Plainfield Recreation account if they have not already. If you have an account but can not access it call our office Monday-Friday 9am-4pm for assistants.2. Gifts are handed out by child registration not parent or guardian. We only distribute at pick up to child's parents/legal guardians. 3. Pick up will be Thursday December 19th and Friday December 20th between the hours of 9am-4:30pm. If you wish to pick up after 4:30pm please call the office before 4pm to make arrangements. You must show ID in order to pick. 4. Gifts are all donations from the community and local businesses. We do not take requests for specific items nor do we know in advance what will be available to pass out.5. All registrations must be completed by Friday December 6th.If you would like to donate new unwrapped toys we have drop boxes set up at the Recreation Office, Family Resource Center (Shepard Hill Elementary),
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - All Year Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December 12/16-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.
2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
P.C.M.S 6th-8th grade After School Program - December Bundle 12/2-12/19 Now introducing a NEW after school program at Plainfield Central Middle School for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Monday-Thursday school days from 2:30pm-6:00pm students will receive homework help, snacks, and take part in varies enrichment games, crafts, activities, and occasional field trips.Students will be bussed from P.C.M.S. to the Recreation Building after the school day is finished, parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up their student on or before 6pm Monday-Friday. Only authorized adults may sign out and pick up the students from the program each day. If you need to make changes to any forms please reach out to the Recreation office at 860-564-1819.If your student will be participating in one of the P.C.M.S clubs on Tuesday or Thursday, they may still come to Recreation on the late bus till pick up here on or before 6pm. Please indicate on the school's form that they will be taking the late bus to our building.Snacks will be provided each day for all students attending but no dinner.This program will run until the late bus ends. There will be no program on federal holidays and days closed due to weather. Payments OptionsFull Year $180Full Month $20-$251 Week at a Time for $5 No club December 23rd-January 3rdSpecial Preview Event Friendsgiving!!Wednesday November 27thJoin us after school for a preview of what our after school program has to offer. Students will ride bus 2 from the school to the Recreation Building and enjoy a fun afternoon of games, activities, and a sit down Friendsgiving meal at 4pm. Parents are welcome to pick up their student anytime on or before 6pm.