1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Functional Exercise for Seniors - Functional Exercise for Seniors April Functional fitness training is strength training that readies your body for daily activities, like bending, twisting, lifting, pushing, pulling, and squatting, but that's just the start.Our instructor Dawn Ennis, has several years of experience teaching fitness and nutrition all across Eastern CT. Dawn is a certified personal trainer and nutritional coach through ISSA and is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Drop in single day fee $6 per person day of classBundle monthly fee of $4 per class when signing up in advance each month
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Butts and Guts with Ab Blast - Butts and Guts with Ab Blast Spring 1 A structured, circuit based class, which targets your abs, legs, and gluts. Butts and Guts is designed to achieve a mid to high aerobic level intensity. You will start this workout with a warm up circuit, and then move into multiple strength and cardio circuits. Using free weights, kettle bells, bands, stability balls, and your own body resistance. Finish off with a cool down and some stretches. Ab Blast - A high intense ab/core class designed to strengthen the mid-section and make you sweat. In only 30 minutes you will go through a variety of exercises that will fire you up and get you ready for anything!